Both colors are limited runs - in fact, most every color I've tested recently has been a limited run. CiM doesn't seem to be adding any new color to their existing line permanently. My guess is because it has been hard for them to duplicate their newer colors exactly, and they seem to be really concerned with the accuracy of their hues. I'm not complaining, though - I like consistency, and I love trying colors that are just slightly different.
First up is Toto, and opaque, light brown that is the color of a latte. This shade seems to be very similar to CiM Moccasin, at first glance, but can strike to a warmer shade if you work it long enough.
Toto is a really nice glass to work with - smooth and easy to melt, with no apparent shocking or bubbling. This makes it a fantastic alternative to Effetre Sage Handmade, which is a similar color, but is shocky and can contain bubbles.
When first melted, Toto stays light brown/tan and is somewhat muted. After working it for a few minutes, it can strike to a more caramel shade, darkening and warming a bit - especially if you melt other colors on top of it. By itself, as in spacers, it can take awhile to strike.
Like many opaque light browns (and greens and blues...), melting scrolls into Toto will create separation - little ghost lines that can be really pretty.
For a nice chocolate/coffee color, layer Maple on top and encase in Chateau or clear.
For a cooler, softer brown, pair Toto with this next color, Ceylon.
I actually really love this shade! Ceylon is a transparent medium color that sits halfway between grey and brown, and is really muted, making it a wonderful layering color. It's kind of a transparent lighter Adamantium, I think.
The glass itself is a nice consistency - not too stiff and not too soft. I had no real bubbling or scumming issues, and no shocking at all. The clarity of this color is wonderful.
Layering Ceylon on top of Toto creates a soft sable brown that's a really nice neutral.
In these sets, Ceylon and Toto are paired with shades of pink. You can see where the Toto darkens under some of the layers, but stays lighter when closer to the top.
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